A glass-calm bay in the Boundary Waters |
So on August 20th, 2011 after I worked my job's booth at an area farmers market I raced off to my parents where my lovely wife (and the best paddling partner I have ever had the pleasure of sharing 16 feet of Royalex with) was dropping off our two lovely daughters. Upon arrival, I was pleasantly surprised that my wife had actually come to a complete stop before unloading the kids. We parted from the children with some sadness and reservations which my wife exhibited in the somewhat strange reaction of doing a combination of cartwheels mixed with wild sprinting and shouts that might otherwise be construed as joy.
And thus began our 8-hour drive from Iowa to Ely, MN. The drive up foreshadowed much of how the entire trip (and following weeks) would go: almost non-existent arguing, lots of laughing and conversation. We arrived in Ely a touch later than we hoped and found the Fall Lake Campground to be completely filled up and, as luck would have it, so were ALL the hotels in Ely. We ended up staying in a little cabin at the Silver Rapids Lodge for the night; the only place available within an hours drive.
Silver Rapids Lodge Cabin |
Vermilion Community College |
It was amazing how many people that we ran into that we knew and remebered us after eight long years.
In the above photo you can see me standing outside of VCC where I obtained my A.S. in Wilderness Management.
View from Fall Lake Campsite |
While we camped at the Fall Lake Campground we had several friends that we went to school with at VCC, and later on , the U of I, stop by for a visit. We cooked up venison steaks on the fire and I made bannock in a reflector oven, but I'll save that for a future blog post.
Paddling across Newton Lake |
We paddled across Fall Lake to our first portage of 90 rods ( a rod is 16.5', or roughly the length of a canoe) and double portaged our gear into Newton Lake.
Lunch spot below Pipestone Falls, Pipestone Bay, Basswood Lake |
Normally the Newton-Pipestone Portage is as busy as an interstate, but this day it was very quiet, which I liked.
Once we had finished our hasty lunch below the falls we started our long paddle up Pipestone Bay of Basswood Lake, then into Jackfish Bay where we turned to the east, passed through the narrows and into Basswood Lake proper.
Here we debated whether we should continue paddling up the west shore of Basswood nearer to the Basswood River (and busier campsites) or opt to camp at the first nice site we came to. We opted for the latter.
Campsite #55 Basswood Lake |
We chose a campsite that connected what would have been a large island to the mainland except for a narrow stip of land no more than 30 yards wide. It had two beautiful sandy beach landings on either side of the isthmus and I thought it would have a good breeze to keep the bugs down. Did I ever hit the nail on the head, but more on that will come later.
Campsite #55 Basswood Lake |
My lovely wife started water to boil to purify it, and got supper on the fire while I started on the tent. Once she had everything going she came over to lend me a hand. As I got things more under control she turned to check on supper when she said in an amazingly calm voice "Oh look honey, there's a Black bear" and she was right.
The not too terribly large bear (I guessed it to be around 200 lbs) was bee-lining for our food pack so I bee-lined it for the bear. I ran straight at the bear, my heart pounding in my ears and I was mildly disconcerted that the bear wasn't leaving yet. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if I arrived at the food pack and the bear didn't leave but I thought I could take it. I mean Davy Crockett killed one when he was only three. How hard can it be really? But here I jest. The bear ran like it's ass was on fire once I was in 6' of it an thankfully didn't make off with a morsel of food.
Needless to say I felt like a real badass during supper having defended my wife in the wilderness from a wild animal that eats mostly berries and insect larve(I'm hoping someone over at The Art of Manliness will read this and want an article).
Campsite #55 Basswood Lake |
Luckily our tent withstood the wind and no trees fell on us or our gear. Late the second day in camp the winds died to nothing and the following morning we began the next leg of our trip which I am going to save for another post. Until then here is a route map of the trip we took. Stay tuned...!
Upper Basswood Falls, Basswood River |