I recently collected son Paper birch (Betula papyrifera) on the family farm during a recent fencing expedition. Soon I hope to turn int into bowls, kuksas, and spoons. I My carving was being held up because I pitched my old baton when we moved from western IA and I just cut a new one from a Mulberry (Morus rubra) growing outside my bathroom window (I also have a spoon the works from said tree).
I have been doing quite a bit of canoeing lately in my new job. I love that. i don't seem to get out hiking as much as I used to though. I guess when you go from living IN a state park to living in town it makes hiking harder. Who knew?
You'll notice I haven't been posting pictures...we lost out camera. It's in the house somewhere, just no idea where. The adventures you enjoy with a 22 month old...
Until later...